Roads Department


The Road Department is located at 1145 South Street. The department manages such tasks as road surfacing, repairing damaged asphalt, snow removal and the maintaining of curb and gutters.

Hours of operation are 6:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday; after business hours please leave a voice message at 740-927-8866 or click here to email.

Whose road is it?

It is important to know which agency is responsible for maintaining the roadways in our township.

Township Roads

For a list of roads maintained by the Township click here.

Licking County Roads

These roads are maintained by the Licking County Engineer’s Office:

  • Mink Road (County Rd. 41)     
  • Watkins Road (County Rd. 42)     
  • York Road (County Rd. 39)

The Engineer’s main phone number is (740) 670-5280 and the Highway Department is (740) 670-5350.

Ohio Department of Transportation (O.D.O.T)

State Route 310 and US 40. These roads are maintained by ODOT District 5. The phone number is (740) 323-4400.

**If you are in a subdivision, your street may not be dedicated. If this is the case, your street is not in the township’s jurisdiction. You will need to contact your developer who is responsible for maintaining the roads within your neighborhood.

Maintenance of Storm Sewers

The Etna Township Road Department is responsible for the maintenance of the storm sewers (open ditches, road culverts, catch basins, and curbs and gutters) located within the public right-of-way. read more

Maintain Storm Sewers

The Etna Township Road Department is responsible for the maintenance of the storm sewers (open ditches, road culverts, catch basins, and curb and gutter) located within the public right-of-way. Our crews will inspect, clean, repair or replace any parts necessary to keep the flow of storm water.

The property owner is responsible for storm sewer pipes, ditches and catch basins that are located on private property outside the public right-of-way.

We would like to ask that all Township residents help preserve the storm sewers and ditches. To achieve this, only storm water should go into these systems. Debris such as leaves, tree limbs and plant growth can block or slow the system reducing water flow through the system. The results of clogged storm system can be hazardous to a motorist and cause heavy damage to a home. If this should occur, our crews will make every effort to clear the blockage to help prevent any unsafe situation. If this does not work, the last resort is to dig the pipe up and remove the blockage.

We would like to inform you that storm water flows into the nearby creeks, retention ponds, lakes, rivers, and your neighbors adjoining property. These systems should not be used to dump your waste, such as oils or paints, which are hazardous to the environment. It is your responsibility as a homeowner to preserve and protect these waterways on your property.

Are you aware that if you have frontage tile in the front of your residents it is your responsibility as a homeowner to maintain it. Failure to do so could result in the removal of the tile. If you currently have any open ditch on your property, you cannot obstruct or divert its flow without a permit from the township.

Never dump anything down the storm drain. If you don´t know how to properly dispose of a material call the Licking County Soil and Water Conservation District at (740) 670-5330 or the Road Department at (740) 927-8866.

Public Right of Way

The Road Department maintains the right-of-way in the areas of road mowing, tree trimming, storm sewers, and street signs. read more

Public Right of Way

The public "right-of-way" or an "easement" is the right of use over land or real property of another. It is land reserved for a street, walkway, or other public use. The right is often described as the right to use the land of another for a special purpose. Unlike a lease, an easement does not give the holder a right of "possession" of the property, only a right of use. 

The Road Department maintains the right-of-way in the areas of road mowing, tree trimming, storm sewers, and street signs. Etna Township requires that you must obtain a permit prior to the start of any excavation within the right-of-way. This includes curb gutter, storm drainage, sewer tie-ins, water main tie-ins, street construction and/or repairs, and road cuts. 

Right-of-way permit applications can be picked up at the Township Administration Building located at 81 Liberty Street or downloaded here.

Public Right of Way

The public “right-of-way” or an “easement” is the right of use over land or real property of another. It is land reserved for a street, walkway, or other public use. The right is often described as the right to use the land of another for a special purpose. Unlike a lease, an easement does not give the holder a right of “possession” of the property, only a right of use.

The Road Department maintains the right-of-way in the areas of road mowing, tree trimming, storm sewers, and street signs. Etna Township requires that you must obtain a permit prior to the start of any excavation within the right-of-way. This includes curb gutter, storm drainage, sewer tie-ins, water main tie-ins, street construction and/or repairs, and road cuts.

Right-of-way permit applications can be picked up at the Township Administration Building located at 81 Liberty Street or downloaded here.

Mowing and Tree Trimming

The Township’s mowing season starts early spring and ends late fall. It is our goal to keep the rights-of-way mowed and free of litter, which will help enhance the look of our community. The Road Department will mow or trim any right-of-way that diminishes sight distance. We also trim around obstructed signs and guardrails.

Removal of Dead Animals

If you spot a dead animal on any of the Township Roads, you may call or email the Road Department. The Road Department may remove the animal or use a substance that will help increase the rate of putrefaction and help reduce the odor. Not all roads are maintained by Etna Township; please see the list of township roads located under the heading "Whose Road Is It?" in the column to the left. For a dead animal pick up on county roadways you must call the Licking County Engineer's office at (740) 670-5350 and for State Routes you will need to contact ODOT at (740) 323-4400.

Missing/Damaged Signs

Stop Sign – To report a down or missing stop sign immediately contact the Road Dept. at (740) 927-8866 or Township Hall at (740) 927-7717. After business hours contact the Licking County Sheriff’s office at the non-emergency number (740) 670-5555.Please note, not all roads are maintained by Etna Township. For the list of township roads, see the left hand the column under “Whose Road Is It?”. For signs on county roadways you must call the Licking County Engineer's office and for State Routes you will need to contact ODOT.

Maintain Storm Sewers

The Etna Township Road Department is responsible for the maintenance of the storm sewers (open ditches, road culverts, catch basins, and curb and gutter) located within the public right-of-way. Our crews will inspect, clean, repair or replace any parts necessary to keep the flow of storm water.

The property owner is responsible for storm sewer pipes, ditches and catch basins that are located on private property outside the public right-of-way.

We would like to ask that all Township residents help preserve the storm sewers and ditches. To achieve this, only storm water should go into these systems. Debris such as leaves, tree limbs and plant growth can block or slow the system reducing water flow through the system. The results of clogged storm system can be hazardous to a motorist and cause heavy damage to a home. If this should occur, our crews will make every effort to clear the blockage to help prevent any unsafe situation. If this does not work, the last resort is to dig the pipe up and remove the blockage.

We would like to inform you that storm water flows into the nearby creeks, retention ponds, lakes, rivers, and your neighbors adjoining property. These systems should not be used to dump your waste, such as oils or paints, which are hazardous to the environment. It is your responsibility as a homeowner to preserve and protect these waterways on your property.

Are you aware that if you have frontage tile in the front of your residents it is your responsibility as a homeowner to maintain it. Failure to do so could result in the removal of the tile. If you currently have any open ditch on your property, you cannot obstruct or divert its flow without a permit from the township.

Never dump anything down the storm drain. If you don´t know how to properly dispose of a material call the Licking County Soil and Water Conservation District at (740) 670-5330 or the Road Department at (740) 927-8866.

Winter Season in Etna Township

During the winter season the Etna Township Road Department asks that residents prepare for the winter season by following a few of these ideas. read more

Winter Season in Etna Township

During the winter season the Etna Township Road Department asks that residents prepare for the winter season by following a few of these ideas.

It would be helpful if residents limit or eliminate parking vehicles on the street during snow events. If Township personnel have to plow snow around a vehicle parked on the street that vehicle will often be buried under a considerable amount of snow.

When residents remove snow from their driveways they should not put the snow in the street which in fact is unlawful. Instead they should place the snow at the end of their driveway in a low pile that does not limit visibility.

Obviously during any of these times it would not be advisable for children to play in the street. Remember also that blowing or drifting snow can make roads dangerous very quickly even when falling snow is not forecasted.

Following these steps should eliminate most problems and help our employees to remove snow as quickly as possible making the commute for everyone safer. Not all roads are maintained by Etna Township; please see the list of township roads located under "Whose Road Is It?".


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Damaged Mailboxes

Etna Township’s primary obligation is to ensure safety by keeping roadways free of snow and ice. Sometimes damage to mailboxes may be unavoidable because of their close proximity to the roadway.

read more

Damaged Mailboxes

Etna Township's primary obligation is to ensure safety by keeping roadways free of snow and ice. Sometimes damage to mailboxes may be unavoidable because of their close proximity to the roadway.

Etna Township has in the past replaced or repaired mail boxes that have been damaged during the ice control and snow removal season. Many mail boxes and post that are damaged have already served their usefulness and should have been replaced by the owner prior to the winter weather.

The Road Department suggests the location of your mailbox be set back a minimum of one foot (12 inches) from the inside edge of the curb or gutter. On roads or streets not curbed or guttered, place the mailbox a minimum of two feet (24 inches) from the edge of the pavement. In both cases a minimum height from the ground of four feet (48 inches) is suggested. This height is a Postal Department requirement. All set back measurements are for the front of the mail box and not the post dimension.

If your mailbox has been damaged please contact the Road Department to determine if Etna Township will repair or replace your mailbox at (740)927-8866.

Not all roads are maintained by Etna Township; please see the list of township roads located under "Whose Road Is It?". For damaged mailboxes on county roadways you must call the Licking County Engineer's office and for state routes you will need to call ODOT.

Forms & Permits

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Town Hall 740-927-7717

Garage 740-927-8866

PO BOX 188

81 Liberty Street

Etna, OH 43018-0188



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